Meet the Arkies!

(Coming soon from Laguna Bay Publishing.)


Ark3 - exploring the galaxies in search of viable planets to settle.

ArkMa - the computer who flies Ark3 and works with the Arkies.

The ArkMasters - in charge of the Arkie programme.


Pace - clumsy, well-meaning, a friend to machines.

Singer - quiet, vulnerable, psychic.

Merlinna - fierce, loud, a weapons expert.

Lyam - curious, laconic science geek.


EarthNet - an organisation determined to stop the Arkies.

Farla Fettleman - beautiful blonde and ruthless.

Tench - archtypical henchman.



FOG WORLD. The Arkies are stranded on a fogbound planet.        Something is out there...


MONSTER PLANET. The Arkies land on a planet that would be ideal if it wasn't for the monsters...


PLANET OF BONES. The Arkies land on a planet covered with bones. Soon, they discover why, but will they survive?


PLANET OF WINDS. The Arkies ignore EarthNet's directive to keep away from a planet. They make new friends, but will they be allowed to leave?