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Jack has his own special way with the English language. In every book he uses words that mean something special to him. Here's a small selection!



Ace. Great, fine, the very best


Bathwater. One of the worst swearwords Jack knows.


Cat-apult. A very fast movement made by a cat when a terrier is barking at it.


Doggyguard. A bodyguard who is a dog.


Foxed. Fooled by a Fox Terrier.


Greet. This is done by rising to the hind legs and clutching a person with the paws while slurping them up the face.


Interrier-gate. Official questioning, done by a terrier.


Jack-attack. Growling and biting and worrying at trouser legs. Very loud, Quite harmless.


Last paw Like the last straw, but happening to dogs.


Nose map. A way of storing information with the nose.


Mudded. Being covered or splattered with mud.


Paw-ssessive. The way some dogs get when someone tries to take away their belongings.


Pawsisted. Kept doggedly on.


Skulldoggery. Bad things concerning dogs.


Terrier-tory. A territory owned by a terrier.


Upsettered. Bothered and upset a setter.




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