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 Illness and injury - Insects - Invasion - Ireland - Islands


Illness or Injury


ALL THE SEA BETWEEN (A flu epidemic sweeps through the cast of the above-named play. Amber, who plays the heroine, has it badly.)


ANOTHER GOOD FRIEND (William Scott has a car accident, leaving the script-writing team without a leader.)


AURORA (Josh is asthmatic, and Aurora hits him (accidentally) on the head.)


CREATURE COTTAGE (Baker has chickenpox.)


THE DAY THE COWS SLEPT IN (Deb has the flu)


FOOL'S GOLD (adult novel - Zac and Jemima are both diabetic, Abigail has a fall and pneumonia, Hannah is asthmatic and Matthias gets dysentery at the diggings... well, it is the nineteenth century for part of the book.)


HERO (The dragon has a broken wing)


IN MARA'S CASE (adult novel - Mara gets the flu)


IN SEARCH OF A HUSBAND (adult novel - Marcus dislocates his shoulder)


KALLIE AND THE FISHERMEN (Kallie's father hurts his leg.)


KISSING COUSINS (adult novel -Trina suffers nervous exhaustion, Alister is beaten up by Trevor.)


LOOKING AFTER PEPPER (Tara gets her foot trodden on, Pepper gets a cut leg and colic.)


The Luck Piece Colony Polly's widowed mother is very ill.


Mangrove Mystery (Auntie gets a headache when Oliver takes her fishing)


MARIA’S DIARY (Maria has diabetes)


MIX AND MATCH (adult novel - Aberdeen is very seasick, Kate is mugged and suffers brain damage.)


NIGHTLANDS (The hero is knocked down and in a coma)


NIGHT MUST ALWAYS COME (adult novel - Tad suffers a mysterious fever every night and cuts his wrist.)


O'CONNOR'S LAST STAND (adult novel - Flynn gets shot (the first time kills him, the second time nearly does) , while Asia has broken bones and pneumonia. Annabel has mental problems, and no wonder! Jackson is enough to send anyone round the twist. Curry gets his hand crushed while working with the cattle.)


POWDERFLASH (adult novel - Jeremiah is hurt when his burning house collapses, Atlas gets colic)


THE RINGMASTER (The Ringmaster has juvenile arthritis.)


ROSINA AND KATE (Kate breaks her leg)


ROSINA AND THE SHOW (Rosina has a bruised ankle)


SHADOWDANCERS (Pirimba is quadriplegic, Pierre is blind, ShuMar has some hearing loss, Pirry is brain-damaged and Master Loak is just plain crazy.)


SWEETWATER SURPRISE (Anya gets bitten by a python.)


TAKING A CHANCE (Dad has a car accident)


TIMEDETECTORS (Coxie has asthma and Lizba is so badly injured she dies)


TIMEDETECTORS 2; A THEFT IN TIME (Tom has "nerve burn", a nasty futuristic wasting disease.)


TRANSLATIONS IN CELADON (The Happy One is hit with a stone and killed, Wolf Shield is stoned and bruised, Hrosannah cuts her leg and is hurt during a bad reaction to one of Lily Wisdom's potions, Princess Fame-Bright almost drowns.)


TRINITY STREET (Tell narrowly escapes being burned to death, Camena almost drowns. Camena has migraines)


Triple treat (adult novel - Alex gets a virus and has a bad reaction to the medication. Later, he falls off the mare Aurora and knocks himself out. Aberdeen suffers morning sickness.)


WINTER-SPRING GARDEN (Amber has glandular fever)


Wedlocks (adult novel - Gift is nearly drowned, Shark is drowned, Tor has a car accident.)



CLICK (A click beetle makes a mystery.)


CREATURE COTTAGE (Baker is intimidated by various insects)


DAISY TOES (Mimi gets stung by a bee.)


O'CONNOR'S LAST STAND (adult novel - Flies are a nuisance to Annabel)


A STICKY PICTURE (Wasps congregate when Toby spills honey on a picture.)


THREE LOONY MONTHS (The Monster Munchers move in under the floorboards.)



Aliens in Kalgoorlie (A Kalgoorlie child is the only one who knows about the alien invasion.)


CANDLE IRON (Allyso's home at Castle Torm is invaded.)



ANNA'S OWN (adult novel -Anna's husband Jack is Irish, so is her long-time love, Pat McNamara)


EEEEEMAIL (Kathleen O'Grady's family is Irish - and so is the electronic banshee that's after them)


MATT THE MAGE (Sheelah O’Splash is Eyerish… from Eyeland, the analogue of Ireland.)


O'CONNOR'S LAST STAND (adult novel - Flynn O'Connor is Irish.)


ONE WEIRD WEEK (Minor character Villajicacki Broggen is half Irish.)


THREE LOONY MONTHS (Minor character Villajicacki Broggen is half Irish.)



AMY AMARYLLIS (Amy is stranded on an island when she is kidnapped.)


AURORA (The setting is Jericho Island)


MIX AND MATCH (adult novel - Jasper has his own island - Allirra. Tasmania forms part of the setting.)


MONSTER BAIT (Set on a Scottish island.)


SELKA (The Atland Islands, off the coast of Scotland, are the setting.)


SHAKEDOWN (Sam is "stranded" on Miracle reef.)


TRINITY STREET (Tasmania is now an island national park.)


Triple treat (adult novel -Atonement Island forms part of the setting.)


Wedlocks (adult novel -Atonement Island forms the setting.)