Scroll down to see books with these subjects and themes.

costume, Cousins Cows Cubbies


AMY AMARYLLIS (Amy must get used to wearing "castle" costume, especially a cloak of reinbeast weave.)


ALL THE SEA BETWEEN (Teenagers put on a play calling for 18th century costume)


ANOTHER GOOD FRIEND (Teenagers write a play calling for 18th century costume)


CALL ME FIZZ ("Annie Average" puts on costume to become - Fizz!)


DRUMMOND (Sarah must dress as a baby to help out her new friend Drummond Bear)


IN MARA'S CASE (adult novel - A case full of her cousin's cast-off clothes transforms plain Mara Payne into her alter ego, Taryn Ashe)


IN SEARCH OF A HUSBAND (adult novel - Rue is a fantasy photographer; her partner Kris makes costumes, including a wedding dress for Rue)


KISSING COUSINS (adult novel - Trina's clothing changes when she spends time in the country; a blue dress and a mustard coat give her pause for thought and gumboots bring her happiness)


MARIA AND THE POCKET (A little bridesmaid must wear a frilly pink dress)


MIX AND MATCH (adult novel - Aberdeen is a costume-restorer who hopes to open a museum)


ONE WEIRD WEEK (Strange clothing marks out the strangers Justin and Jeremy meet. Serendipity Creed dresses all in blue, her Uncle Inigo Hauntman in black and her Aunt Imelda Hieronymous in purple.)


PERI (Peri becomes interested in costume design when attending play rehearsals)


POWDERFLASH (adult novel - Garnet's clothing vanishes when her husband sells her and gives her the wrong bag. She loses her gowns but his old coat proves to be worth more than its own weight in gold)


THE RINGMASTER (The Ringmaster is only a child, but the proper costume makes gives her confidence)


SHADOWDANCERS (The coloured tunics worn by Valourns (acrobatic dancers) are important to Pirimba, ShuMar and Fraeman)


SHAKEDOWN (Sam Cool and Alex have a lot in common, but they wear very different clothes)


TRANSLATIONS IN CELADON (Costume is important in Celadon. Characters dress for their parts - unfortunately for Rosanna, her "costume" is a horse's hide)


Triple treat (adult novel - Clothing marks the difference between the Diamond Duo and their young friend Ellie - designer glamour Vs chainstore chic. Costumes are changed more than once as their fortunes ebb and flow)


WHAT A DAY (Mr D gets the last laugh when his rivals are dressed in ridiculous costumes for the pet parade)


Wedlocks (adult novel - Gift knows she isn't really Mrs Tor Gundas - the clothes are all wrong, for a start.)





AURORA (Josh Quinn is a cousin once removed to Cass and Pat Quinn and an adopted cousin of Aurora.)


CREATURE COTTAGE (Baker's Cousin Tiffany has some answers.)


FOOL'S GOLD (adult novel - Zac Reed is Abigail's cousin, but they've been brought up together since she was ten.)


A Horrorday to Remember (Baker and his Cousin Tiffany both keep journals.)


IN MARA'S CASE (adult novel - Mara has far too many cousins. One of them is Trina Garland.)


KISSING COUSINS (adult novel - Alister McKenzie and Trina Garland are distant cousins; their great grandmothers were sisters.)


LOOKING AFTER PEPPER (Pepper the pony belongs to Tara's cousin Manira.)


MARIA AND THE POCKET (Maria is bridesmaid at Cousin Helen's wedding.)


MIX AND MATCH (adult novel - Tam Spellman is a cousin to the Diamond twins.)


NIGHTLANDS (The narrator is staying with his cousin Simmo and that's why he goes to Marty's party.)


NIGHT MUST ALWAYS COME (adult novel - Tad and Suzo Ashendon are distant cousins.)


ROCKFALL (Angie and her cousin Llew are stranded on Skate Rock.)


SOGGY DOGGY DOT COM (Cousin Tiffany's green hair dye causes all kinds of problems for Baker.)


TRANSLATIONS IN CELADON (Asher Phillips and Rafe Winter are "some kind of cousins".)


WELCOME TO THE WEIRDIE CLUB (Julia and Alice McCrystal are cousins.)




ANNA'S OWN (adult novel - Anna struggles to make a living in Colonial Tasmania; Pat McNamara's gift of a cow named Strawberry makes all the difference.)


ADVENTURE FINDS ALICIA (When Alicia finds a cow in the park, she knows exactly what to do.)


BLUE MOON ANIMAL DAY (The farmer frowns and upsets the cows)


THE DAY THE COWS SLEPT IN (Stories, including some about cows.)


Hugo's Reward (Davy has to deal with his cow Daff and a bull named Hugo's Reward.)


HER KINGDOM FOR A PONY (Stories, including some about a cow named Honey.)


KISSING COUSINS (adult novel - A bull named Beauregard causes problems for the kissing cousins.)


THE MAGICIAN'S BOX (Silverwood the calf has shrunk to the size of a mouse.)


NEW WORLD (The cows are very important to a young Cattlekeeper named Jame.)


O'CONNOR'S LAST STAND (adult novel - Blown cattle hold up the plans of a drug dealer in pursuit of his ex-wife, who has gone off to count some livestock.)


POWDERFLASH (adult novel - Cranky Garnet learns to respect her new husband in the wilds of New South Wales - his handling of the cow Milady is part of the process.)


ROSINA AND HER CALF (Rosina finds her new pet calf Star more interesting than her baby brother)


ROSINA AND KATE (Rosina's calf has a lesser role in this one.)


ROSINA AND THE SHOW (Rosina wants to take her calf to the show, but when she is injured Kate must help out.)


Soup (Patsy learns to milk a cow.



AURORA (Aurora has her own cave when she feels like hiding away.)


ROSINA AND HER CALF (Rosina and her friend build a treehouse called Treehaven.)


THAT'S ENOUGH (A monstrous cubby grows in the house while the baby-sitting narrator reads his book.)