Scroll down to books on these subjects and themes.

Schools, Scientists or professors Scotland


ALL THE SEA BETWEEN; (Set in Greer District High, where Ms Corry teaches Drama)


ANOTHER GOOD FRIEND, (Set in Greer District High)


AURORA; (Aurora attends Jordan High School)


BLUE GOLD; (Autumn's school on Azurea is one of the smallest in the universe)


A CREW FOR CAPTAIN KATE; (Teachers and Library staff help the children to deal with Captain Kate)


DOWN RIVER; (Kerry and Amber Dale attend Greer Area School (later Greer District High). Kerry's teacher is Ms McAvoy)


FIVE EASY LESSONS; (Tifssim College is a correspondence school offering some very strange courses.)


GLORY GATE; (Whiteshirts have taken over Gavven's school and his world is changing.)


THE MAGICIAN'S BOX; (Jessica and Anna Dove attend Greer District High)


MRS HONEY'S LIST; (Mrs Honey's Class is involved in cooking for the school fair)


NIGHT MUST ALWAYS COME; (Tad Ashendon is a school teacher at St Patrick's College, much to his cousin Suzo's astonishment.)


ONE WEIRD WEEK; (Justin attends Bandinangi High and runs into trouble ion the cross-country course)


OUTSIDE; (School for Kessy means a robot teacher)


PARROTY; (Bandinangi Primary has an aviary and in that aviary lives Parroty)


PERI; (Peri and her half sister Nicola attend Surfside High)


PICTURE A POEM; (textbook)


THE RINGMASTER; (The Ringmaster's school proves obdurate when she wants to use it as a circus venue.)



(Mr Benn's class at Springford Primary is lucky; he's a kind teacher)


SELKA; (Glenfair School on the Scottish mainland replaces lessons at home on the Atlands Islands for Mari Gordon)


SHADOWDANCERS; (Pirimba and Eden attend Rafton High, while ShuMar, Fraeman, Pirry and Dawkinda attend Loakencamp in another world)


SHOW US!(Anna Louise's classmates don't believe she really has a pig)


SILLY ASS; (Sam's school is not the place to dispose of guineapigs)


SNACK ATTACK; (Erica and Jeremy have problems at the school fete when they try to sell snacks.)


TAKING A CHANCE; (Thomas can continue at his old school when he goes to live with his mother, but he has to take the bus.)


TERRIBLE TWINGE; (Rhys and Ceri attend a school which is running courses in Drama and Activities)




(The Adventurers club is run by teachers from the local school.)


THE TRAIN HOME; (Jase and Jordy attend Bakewell College)


TRANSLATIONS IN CELADON; (Rosanna and Sari are in Year Ten at St Boniface college. Rafe and Asher are prefects at the same collect. Ms Peck is the kindly PD teacher.)


TRINITY STREET; (Tell and Camena attend St Saviour's college, known affectionately as "St Sav's". Gerhardt Watchman arrives and sets his own particular cat among the pigeons.)


VISITING DAY ; (Molly and Rex Gifford’s teachers from the Distance Education School visit them on their station.)


WINTER SPRING GARDEN ; (Amber Dale attends Greer Area School (later Greer District High). She becomes ill while rehearsing a play for Mrs Corry.)


WOLFMASTER; (The Adventurers club Dane attends is run by school teachers.)



Scientists or Professors

THE GAME OF CAT AND LUCY; (The Prof, who developed Project Cat, is Lucy's father.)


THE ASTOUNDING SOUND; (Professor Haddington Bollington Green lives in Platypus Street)


THE INCREDIBLE SMELL; (Professor Haddington Bollington Green again)


BLUE GOLD; (Wyn is a botanist, Britt a geologist and many of the other colonists of Azuria also hold degrees)


GLORY GATE (Gavven's father is a scientist who works for the Glory Gate Project.)


KAYAK; (Prof Q, Lulu's father, is a scientist who tries to help Mark when he is whisked into the future.)


MY FATHER; THE MAD PROFESSOR; (Professor Oliver Query is Erica's father - unfortunately.)


NEW WORLD; (Various scientists arrive in a spaceship)


OUTSIDE; (Various scientists work on the levels)


TIMEDETECTORS ; (Lizba Smith is a scientist from the future. She asks Coxie and Tom for help)


TIMEDETECTORS 2; A THEFT IN TIME; (Baz Smith claims to be Lizba's son, while Professor Pennyfather proves a pain for Tom.)


TRINITY STREET; (Dr Moss and Dr Sib head up Hub Hi-Q and RI-P. In the 27th Century.)


WOLFMASTER; (Geologists and archaeologists are involved in a cave dig)


Wedlocks; (Professor Jules Previn, psychologist, proves a good friend to Gift)



MONSTER BAIT; (The action takes place mostly on a Scottish island)


SELKA; (The action takes place partly on a Scottish island)