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UFOs (or spaceships) Unicorns


UFOs or Spaceships

AURORA; (Aurora is a baby when the UFO crashes in the Tasmanian bush. She is the only one left alive, and as the UFO vanishes almost immediately, her line to her origin is cut.)


BLUE GOLD; (The colonists arrive on Azuria aboard the spaceship Skylark.)


HERO; (Tim travels by UFO to the Purple Planet.)


NEW WORLD; (The Petterites arrive on New World by spaceship.)


NIGHTLANDS; (The hero thinks he sees a UFO.)


SLEEPLESS IN SPACE; (Jed Starr travels on board the Starbringer.)


SPIRAL STAIRS; (Erin Hibernia sees a spaceship, Skylark, which is leaving for a new home.)



IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE; (Tam's mother is an Otherworlder wildlife warden. One of her duties is to keep the unicorns in check.)


A POCKET UNICORN; (Imperion Silverspear is a pocket unicorn - and a very superior person. Poor Perren needs to find a way to manage him, fast!)






 Background; “Waysider Blue” by Sallyo's Backgrounds.