Frequently Asked Questions (especially for schools)



If your question isn't here, you can e-mail me on

or write to me at P.O. Box 41, Latrobe, Tasmania, Australia, 7307.

Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope for my reply.


Q. How many books have you written?

 A. As of September 2006, I have had around 250 books published. Check them out here at the BIBLIOGRAPHY PAGES.

Q. What is your latest book?

A My most recent books include

The Jack Russell: Dog Detective series, co-authored with Darrel Odgers (2005 - )

A Bird, a Bloke and a Boyfriend (2005)

Gold's Bride (for adults) (2005)

Boy Down Under (2004)

Matt the Mage (2004)

Knight Triumphant (2004)

Kerria Logan and the Pirate Caper (2003)

Knight Protector  (2003) 

Knightfall, I'm Big Enough and SLEEPLESS IN SPACE (all 2002)

CANDLE IRON, THE CASE OF THE DISAPPEARING DOG, Budgie Rock, Killer Ducks, Munch on That, Aunt Victoria's Monster, Glory Gate, Wolfmaster (all 2001),

Fools' Gold, STORY STRATEGIES and PICTURE A POEM, Guess my Friends (all 2000).

Q. Where do you get the ideas for your books?

A. I get ideas from all sorts of places, often from things that happen or things I see or hear. Sometimes my kids do something that sets off a book notion. For example; my son James (who is now 26!) inspired the books DREADFUL DAVID (a picture book) and KAYAK! (a novel). I used his 12 year old appearance for Justin in the Bandinangi books and his grown-up appearance for Gerhardt Watchman, the hero of my sci-fi thriller TRINITY STREET.

 My now-twenty-two year old daughter Tegan’s doings inspired JUST LIKE EMILY, MINIPIGS and RATTY. Alice in WELCOME TO THE WEIRDIE CLUB looks like Tegan did once. So does Jilly in THE CASE OF THE DISAPPEARING DOG. I don’t base many characters on people I meet, but occasionally I borrow a face here or a name or a hairstyle there!

 Books like AURORA and SHADOWDANCERS just seem to come from nowhere, although I was watching the southern aurora when I began to plan AURORA. TRINITY STREET came from a newspaper article about intelligence. There's an article about the creation of Aurora HERE and one about TRINITY STREET HERE.


Q. How long have you been writing?

 A. I’ve been writing since I was at school.


Q. Do you have any other jobs?

A. Apart from writing, I do school talks and lectures. I also offer a manuscript assessment service    and teach online writing workshops.


Q. Do you have any hobbies?

A. I suppose most of my hobbies are tied up with my work. My husband and I have 3 cockatoos, Cracker, Jo, and Pippin, and dogs called Tess Toad Tummy, Ace, Tilly-Tump, Jeanie Lee and Preacher and a cat called Rosie. I like kayaking, walking, free-form embroidery, and am interested in collecting rocks, in interesting names, music and gardening.


Q. Where and when were you born?

A. I was born in Latrobe, Tasmania, in 1957.


Q. What is your favourite of your own books?

A. My favourites change often. Currently, it’s a toss-up between Candle Iron, the Jack Russell stories, Translations in Celadon and Shadowdancers.

Q. Who are your favourite characters?

A. Here are some of my favourites, in alphabetical order.

Allyso Torm (from Candle Iron).

Anna Bailey/Kelly (from Anna's Own.)

Eden Raven (from Shadowdancers).

Gerhardt Watchman (from Trinity Street)

Jack Russell

Jilly Randall (from The Case of the Disappearing Dog)

Justin Archer (from the Bandinangi Books series.)

Matt Wheatslump (from Matt the Mage).

Michael Firebug (from Knight Protector )

Pirimba Raven (from Shadowdancers)

Rafe Winter and Rosanna Hopestill (both from Translations in Celadon)

Scholar Ankooria (from Candle Iron).

Selka (from Selka)

ShuMar of Loakencamp (from Shadowdancers)

Tell Clancy (from Trinity Street)


You will find more about these books in the BIBLIOGRAPHY.


Q. What sort of books do you write?

 A. All sorts.


Q. What do you try to do in your books? Do you try to teach your readers anything?

 A. I don't try to teach anything. However, I do have some principles. I usually try to make my protagonists people I would like to know. I try to show characters who don't give up, don't whine, but get on with their lives. I try to show characters who try to do the right thing as they see it. They may not always BE right, but they can always try!


One exception is Sam Cool from SHAKEDOWN. Sam is gutsy, smart and very determined, but Sam is not a nice person. Interesting, yes. Nice? No!


And remember - if you have a question, send it to me by e-mail. I'll answer you privately and, if you like, I can also put the answer here!



e-mail Sally  background “Unicorn Stamp” by Sallyo's Backgrounds.