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(pronounced; Gill to rhyme with "fill")


Mistra Gill, aka Gillie, was originally a serving-maid in the Fourth Castle of Ankoor. Wed to Silent Thomas, Gill eventually went to live at Castle Torm in McAnerin where she acted as chatelaine of Torm for Lord Merrit and his niece. Gill's grandmother was an Ankoorian kitchen crone, so Gill has a few kitchen-magics she uses when she can avoid Lord Merrit's scorn.

Gill is loving and strong-minded. She adores her son Gregory and is both proud and apprehensive when he becomes Lord Merrit's servingman.

Gill is named for my friend and fellow writer Judy Griffith Gill. She is featured in the book Candle-Iron . Her younger incarnation, Gillie, appears in the 1992 title Amy Amaryllis.


 Links to other characters from Candle Iron.


Allyso of Torm - Berneathy -Brown

Clair - Curran - Dagg of Fielding - Gemdrake - Gill - Gregory -

Hilz - Leonard Gates - McDaniel Waters - Merrit Tormblood -

Mistra Misty

Mohr - Scholar Ankooria - Lord Sheels - The Soulbinder - Tace

Tegwen Hasselsjo - Templeton - Tollerman of Musson -

Lord Toombs of Zimmerhanzel - Walton - Master Wootton - Zara 



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            Background – “Bridport Daisy” by Sallyo's Backgrounds.