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(Pronounced Skol-ar An-koo-ree-a)


Scholar Ankooria is featured in Candle-Iron. Scholar is the son of Lord Toombs of Zimmerhanzel, a castle in the land of McAnerin, and his deceased Ankoorian wife who left him before Scholar's birth and later died in Ankoor. Scholar has been brought up by his mother's kin, and has lately been sent to Zimmerhanzel to live with his father.

Scholar is a red-head, a bookworm and is decidedly against his father's plan to annex a neighbouring castle. He is also against the idea of making a dynastic marriage with Tegwen Hasselsjo.

Scholar's virtues lie in his good memory for information, his blunt and sometimes graceless way of offering help, his talent for finding his way to various places and people and also in his uncomplicated love for Tace, his Ankoorian spellhound.

Links to other characters from Candle Iron.

Allyso of Torm - Berneathy -Brown

Clair - Curran - Dagg of Fielding - Gemdrake - Gill - Gregory -

Hilz - Leonard Gates - McDaniel Waters - Merrit Tormblood -

Mistra Misty

Mohr - Scholar Ankooria - Lord Sheels - The Soulbinder - Tace

Tegwen Hasselsjo - Templeton - Tollerman of Musson -

Lord Toombs of Zimmerhanzel - Walton - Master Wootton - Zara 



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            Background – “Manuscript Ripple” by Sallyo's Backgrounds.